Category Archives: Easy on the Noggin
The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel from Slaves4Christ on Vimeo.
Thoughts on Intelligent Design
Thoughts on Intelligent Design by Erik Dressel In his Argument from Design, 18th-19th century theologian William Paley essentially stated that upon finding a watch on the ground, one wouldn’t have to meet the maker of the watch to plausibly assume … Continue reading
Truth with a Capital “T”
Truth with a Capital ‘T’ Is there a Truth that transcends all other truths? A Truth that is eternal and unshakable, that serves as a central and unifying Truth of all of history? What if there exists a Truth that … Continue reading
Truth and Tolerance
Truth and Tolerance Is it intolerant to believe you know the truth? Is it intolerant to say that what others believe is false? Is it intolerant to say that others are being intolerant? Hmmm. The answer to these questions would … Continue reading
What is Truth?
What is Truth? “Quid est Veritas?”…“What is truth?”…this was the question Pontius Pilate asked Jesus at his trial. We do not know whether he asked with cynicism or sincerity in his voice, but history tells us that he walked away … Continue reading